
>>> blog

02-11-2025 How Big Brother can attack Bitcoin without spending a dime
01-31-2025 Addressing compliance confusion wrt Tether and Taproot Assets
12-28-2024 Breakdown of IRS-TD-10021
12-28-2024 Harsha's thoughts on the H1-B controversy
12-19-2024 Harsha's thoughts on the difficulty of establishing bitcoin feature demand
09-22-2024 How BitGo's operation is a legal exception, not the rule
01-09-2024 How to build the ultimate bandaid wallet
04-05-2022 Presentation at on current state of covenants
01-11-2022 Presentation on bolt 7 messages
09-15-2021 hop hints in the Lightning Network
07-16-2021 The Indepth Anatomy of an HTLC
06-22-2018 How to build a bitcoin wallet
04-28-2018 43 technical facts about bitcoin
03-14-2018 How to build an ethereum wallet
03-12-2018 Hierarchical wallets explained